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VISA to India


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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Frequently asked questions to Tourist Visa

As per the extant instructions of the Government of India, a Tourist Visa can only be granted to a foreigner who does not have a residence or occupation in India and whose sole objective of visiting India is recreation, sight-seeing, casual visit to meet friends and relatives etc. No other activity is permissible on a Tourist Visa. The Tourist Visa is non-extendable and non-convertible.

Q.1: How will medical tourists who return regularly to India for onward treatment be handled?

Ans: For persons coming for medical treatment, there is a separate category of Medical Visa. Foreign nationals coming for medical treatment will have to come only on Medical Visa and not on Tourist Visa.

Q.2: How will the family members of diplomatic households who do not qualify for diplomatic visas (e.g. older children or domestic partners) are handled?

Ans: The family members of diplomatic households who do not qualify for diplomatic visas may have to come on an ‘Entry(X)’ Visa if eligible. If they come on Tourist Visa, the restrictions as laid down will be applicable.

Q.3: How will individuals who come to India to volunteer for various charity organizations be treated? Many of them travel around the region while volunteering in India for extended periods on tourist visas.

Ans: Foreign nationals who come to India for voluntary work in NGOs registered in India may be granted Employment Visa with special endorsement on his/her E visa “TO WORK WITH NGO – (Name of the NGO and place of duty).” Such foreign nationals shall not be issued tourist visa.

Q.4. What activities are permissible on ‘Tourist’ visa?

Ans: Tourist Visa is granted for visiting India for recreation, sight-seeing, casual visit to meet friends and relatives etc. No other activity is permissible on a Tourist Visa.

Q.5. Can person holding ‘Tourist’ visas indulge in Business activities?

Ans: No. If a person holding ‘Tourist’ visa is found to be involved in Business activities, action may be taken for visa violation.

Q.6. Can a person holding ‘Tourist’ visa accepts employment?

Ans: No. If a person is found working, while holding ‘Tourist’ visa, he/she may be booked for visa violation.



Several queries have been raised about the type of Visas issued by India to foreigners for work related visits. It is clarified that basically there are two (2) types of work related Visas, namely:-

1. Business Visa designated as ‘B’ Visa

2. Employment Visa designated as ‘E’ Visa

Frequently asked questions with regard to the above issues and replies thereto are outlined be-low for information, guidance and compliance of all concerned:

Part A: Business Visa

Q.1: What are the conditions to be fulfilled for grant of a Business visa?

Ans: The conditions to be fulfilled for grant of a Business visa are as follows:-

(i) The foreign national must have a valid travel document and a re-entry permit, if required under the law of the country of nationality of the applicant.

(ii) The foreign national should be a person of assured financial standing. The foreigner must submit proof of his/her financial standing and documentation in support of intended business visit to India. Proof of his financial standing and expertise in the field of in-tended business will be checked thoroughly by the Indian Missions while granting the vi-sa.

(iii) The foreign national should not be visiting India for the business of money lending or for running a petty business or petty trade or for full time employment in India, etc.

(iv) The foreign national shall comply with all other requirements like payment of tax liabili-ties etc.

(v) The Business Visa must be issued from the country of origin or from the country of ha-bitual domicile of the foreigner provided the period of residence of that foreigner in that particular country is more than 2 years. If the period of permanent residence of the ap-plicant in the particular country is less than two years, the Mission / Post concerned will issue Business visa only after personal interview, review of documentation and prior clearance from the Mission where the applicant has permanent residence. Such cases will be examined by the Missions / Posts on merits on case-to-case basis and, after is-sue of Business visa, an intimation will be sent to the Indian Mission / Post in the appli-cant’s country of origin.

(vi) The documents/ papers pertaining to proposed business activity such as the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of registration of the firm with the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned or any recognised promotional body in the relevant field of industry or trade etc. will be thoroughly checked to decide the category of visa applicable to the foreigner.

(vii) The grant of Business Visa is subject to any instructions issued by the Government of India on the basis of reciprocity with other foreign countries from time to time.

Q.2 Who are eligible for a Business Visa?

Ans: A Business visa may be granted to a foreigner for the following purposes:-

(i) Foreign nationals who wish to visit India to establish industrial/business venture or to ex-plore possibilities to set up industrial/business venture in India.

(ii) Foreign nationals coming to India to purchase/sell industrial products or commercial prod-ucts or consumer durables.

(iii) Foreign nationals coming to India for technical meetings/discussions, attending Board meetings or general meetings for providing business services support.

(iv) Foreign nationals coming to India for recruitment of manpower.

(v) Foreign nationals who are partners in the business and/or functioning as Directors of the company.

(vi) Foreign nationals coming to India for consultations regarding exhibitions or for participa-tion in exhibitions, trade fairs, business fairs etc.

(vii) Foreign buyers who come to transact business with suppliers/ potential suppliers at loca-tions in India, to evaluate or monitor quality, give specifications, place orders, negotiate further supplies etc., relating to goods or services procured from India.

(viii) Foreign experts/specialists on a visit of short duration in connection with an ongoing project with the objective of monitoring the progress of the work, conducting meetings with Indian customers and/or to provide technical guidance.

(ix) Foreign nationals coming to India for pre-sales or post-sales activity not amounting to actual execution of any contract or project.

(x) Foreign trainees of multinational companies/corporate houses coming for in-house train-ing in the regional hubs of the concerned company located in India.

(xi) Foreign students sponsored by AIESEC for internship on project based work in compa-nies/industries.

(xii) Foreign nationals coming as tour conductors and travel agents and / or conducting busi-ness tours of foreigners or business relating to it, etc.

Q.3 What is the duration of a Business Visa?

Ans: A Business Visa with multiple entry facility can be granted for a period up to one (1) years or for a shorter duration as per the requirement:

(a) The gross sales/turnover from the business activities, for which the foreigner has been granted visa, is not less than Rs.1 core per annum (to be achieved within 2 years of setting up the business).

(b) First extension on business visa shall be granted by the Ministry of Home Affairs.

(c) Further extensions, if required, may be granted by the State Governments/ UT administration / FRROs/ FROs on year-to-year basis subject to good conduct, production of necessary documents in support of continued business activity and no adverse inputs, se-curity related or otherwise, about the foreigner.

(d) The period of extension shall not be beyond five years from the date of issue of the Busi-ness visa.

(e) If the extension of Visa is denied by MHA/FRRO/FRO/State Government/ UT Administra-tion, the foreigner shall leave India forthwith on expiry of the period of validity of the visa.

Q.4 What are the documents to be submitted along with application for a Business Visa?


(i) The foreign national must have a valid travel document and a re-entry permit, if required under the law of the country concerned.

(ii)Proof of financial standing and expertise in the field of intended business.

(iii) Documents/ papers pertaining to proposed business activity such as the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of registration of the firm with the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned or any recognized promotional body in the relevant field of industry or trade etc.

Part B: Employment Visa

Q.5 What is an Employment Visa?

Ans: An Employment Visa is granted to foreigners desiring to come to India for the purpose of employment, subject to fulfillment of the following conditions:

(i) The applicant is a highly skilled and/or qualified professional, who is being engaged or appointed by a company/ organization/ industry/ undertaking in India on contract or em-ployment basis.

(ii) Employment Visa shall not be granted for jobs for which qualified Indians are available. Employment Visa shall also not be granted for routine, ordinary or secretarial/clerical jobs.

(iii) The foreign national seeks to visit India for employment in a company/ firm/organization registered in India or for employment in a foreign company/ firm/organization engaged for execution of some project in India.

(iv) The foreign national being sponsored for an Employment Visa in any sector should draw a salary in excess of US$ 25,000 per annum. However, this condition of annual floor limit on income will not apply to: (a) Ethnic cooks, (b) Language teachers (other than English language teachers) / translators and (c) Staff working for the con-cerned Embassy/High Commission in India. The application for Employment Visa may be rejected by the Indian Mission/Post concerned in case the minimum annual income benchmark of US$ 25,000 is not met, except in the case of the three categories men-tioned above. There will be no need to refer such cases for consideration of the Ministry of Labour & Employment for clearance. The guidelines issued by the Ministry of Labour & Employment vide their OM no.DGET-M-26025/4/2009-MP(G) dated 8th September 2009 and the amendment dated 22nd December, 2009 will no longer be applicable in view of these stipulations.

(v) The foreign national must comply with all legal requirements like payment of tax liabilities etc.

(vi) The Employment Visa must be issued from the country of origin or from the country o domicile of the foreigner provided the period of permanent residence of the applicant in that particular country is more than 2 years.

(vii) The documents/ papers pertaining to the proposed employment, like the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of registration of the firm in the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned, or any recognized promotional body in the field of industry and trade etc will be thoroughly checked to de-cide the category of visa that may be issued to the foreigner. The name of the sponsor-ing employer / organization shall be clearly stipulated in the visa sticker.

Q.6 What are the other categories of foreign nationals who are eligible for Employment visa?

Ans: Subject to the fulfillment of the conditions enumerated in Question B5 above, the following categories of foreign nationals will also be eligible for Employment visa:-

(i) Foreign nationals coming to India as consultant on contract for whom the Indian company pays a fixed remuneration (this may not be in the form of a monthly salary).

(ii) Foreign artists engaged to conduct regular performances for the duration of the employment contract given by Hotels, Clubs, and other organizations.

(iii) Foreign nationals who are coming to India to take up employment as coaches of national / state level teams or reputed sports clubs.

(iv) Foreign sportsmen who are given contract for a specified period by the India Clubs/Organizations.

(v) Self-employed foreign nationals coming to India for providing engineering, medical, accounting, legal or such other highly skilled services in their capacity as independent consultants provided the provision of such services by foreign nationals is permitted under law.

(vi) Foreign language teachers/interpreters.

(vii) Foreign specialist Chefs.

(viii)Foreign engineers/technicians coming to India for installation and commissioning of equipment / machines/tools in terms of the contract for supply of such equipment / machines / tools.

(ix) Foreign nationals deputed for providing technical support/services, transfer of know-how / services for which the Indian company pays fees/royalty to the foreign company.

Q.7 What is the duration of an Employment Visa?

Ans: Validity of an Employment visa will be as follows:-

(i) A foreign technician/expert coming to India in pursuance of a bilateral agreement between the Government of India and the foreign government, or in pursuance of a col-laboration agreement that has been approved by the Government of India, can be granted an Employment visa for the duration of the agreement, or for a period of one year, whichever is less, with multiple entry facilities.

(ii) In the case of highly skilled foreign personnel being employed in the IT software and IT enabled sectors, the Missions/Posts can grant Employment visa with validity up to 3 years or the term of assignment, whichever is less, with multiple entry facility.

(iii) In the case of Employment Visa issued for a period of 180 days or less, registration is not required with FRRO/FRO. The Missions/Posts may issue multiple entry Employment Visa for a period of 180 days or less.

(iv) However, if the Employment visa is valid for a period of more than 180 days, it should carry an endorsement to the effect that the E-visa holder must register with the FRRO/FRO concerned within 14 days of arrival.

(v) On registration, the FRRO/FRO concerned may issue Residential Permit for the validity of the visa period. However, if there is any change in the residential address, the foreign national concerned shall immediately report the change of address, in writing, to the FRRO/FRO concerned.

(vi) The Employment visa may be extended by the State Governments / UTs / FRROs / FROs beyond the initial visa validity period, up to a total period of 5 years from the date of issue of the initial Employment Visa, on an year to year basis, subject to good con-duct, production of necessary documents in support of continued employment, filing of Income Tax returns and no adverse security inputs about the foreigner. The period of ex-tension shall not exceed five years from the date of issue of the initial Employment visa.

Q.8 What documents are required to be submitted along with application for Employment Visa?


(i) The foreign national must have a valid travel document and a re-entry permit, if required under the law of the country concerned.

(ii) The foreign national must submit proof of his/her employment of contract or engagement by the company / organization, etc. in India.

(iii) The foreign national must submit documentary proof of his educational qualifications and professional expertise.

(iv) The foreign national must submit documents/ papers pertaining to the proposed employment, like the registration of the company under the Companies Act, proof of reg-istration of the firm in the State Industries Department or the Export Promotion Council concerned, or any recognized promotional body in the field of industry and trade etc.

Part C: Other queries relating to Business and Employment Visa

Q.9: What is the type of visa granted to foreigners wishing to work with NGOs registered in India?

Ans: A foreigner who wishes to come to India for honorary work (without salary) with NGOs reg-istered in India may be granted Employment Visa with special endorsement on his/ her E Visa “TO WORK WITH NGO— (Name of the NGO and place of work) subject to usual checks and formalities on the following conditions:

(i) The foreigner must submit proof of his/her employment with the NGO registered in India.

(ii) The foreigner may be granted a multi- entry employment visa for one year initially. The visa may be extended by the State Governments / UTs / FRROs / FROs beyond the ini-tial visa validity period up to a total period of 5 years from the date of issue of the initial Employment Visa, on an year to year basis, subject to good conduct, production of nec-essary documents in support of continued employment and no adverse security inputs about the foreigner. The period of extension shall not exceed five years from the date of issue of the initial Employment visa.

(iii) All registration formalities as per rules, after his/her arrival in India, shall be strictly Complied with and the registration must be done with the FRRO/FRO within 14 days from the date of his/ her arrival.

Q.10 Which category of Visa will be granted to family members of foreign nationals com-ing to India on Employment?

Ans: Family members/ dependents of a foreigner who is granted `E’ visa shall be granted `X' visa subject to usual security checks provided the family members are otherwise eligible for grant of such a Visa. Its validity shall be coterminous with the validity of the visa of the principal visa holder [or for such shorter period as may be considered necessary by the Indian Mission.

*FRRO: Foreigners Regional Registration Officers (Link to FRRO contacts)

CLARIFICATIONS WITH REGARD TO EMPLOYMENT VISA GUIDELINES Reference Answer to Question No.5 under part B – Employment Visa in the Frequently Asked Questions on “work related visas issued by India” uploaded on MHA website.

2. Following clarifications are furnished with reference to the conditions for grant of Employment Visa:- Issues raised Clarifications
1. Whether the salary threshold limit of $ 25000/- pa includes allowances also or salary alone? The salary threshold limit of $25000 per annum may be worked out taking into account salary and all other allowances paid to the foreign national in cash. However, any pre-requisites like housing, telephone, transport, enter-tainment etc. which are received in kind should not be included for working out the salary threshold limit of $ 25000 per annum.
2. Whether a foreign national already on E visa and drawing lesser amount than the above mentioned threshold can be refused further visa extension on this ground, once they apply at the FRRO office for getting their visa extended. Whether the prescribed condition of minimum mandatory salary will be applicable to those foreigners who have been issued E-Visa prior to 30.09.2010 and have been working in India for many years and draw lesser salary than the mandatory salary. Whether any foreign national already on Employment Visa and drawing lesser salary than the above mentioned threshold can be asked to leave the country? Whether these guidelines will be effective on fresh visas issued after 30.9.2010 or even on earlier ‘E’ visas which have been issued and are due to extension with FRROs/FROs. The guidelines adding a new sub-para (viii) under para 44-Conditions for grant of Employment Visa in Chap-ter-4 ‘Employment Visa’ of the Visa Manual were issued on 30th Septem-ber, 2010. Since it would have taken some time for these guidelines to percolate to the officials handling visa matters in Indian Missions/Posts, the revised guidelines indicating the minimum salary limit of US $ 25000 per annum would ap-ply to all Employment Visas issued from 1.11.2010. Foreign nationals who have arrived in India on the basis of ‘E’ visa issued after 1.11.2010 and drawing annual salary of less than US$ 25,000 (and not in the three exempted categories) may be registered by FRROs/FROs but all such foreigners may be granted exit by giving a maximum period of three months. All those foreign nationals who are already on ‘E’ visa issued prior to 1.11.2010 and drawing lesser amount than the threshold limit of US$ 25000 may be allowed to continue in their present employment till the expiry of their present visa period. When they approach for extension of their visa, they may be given extension of 3 months to exit if they do not meet the minimum salary limit of US$ 25000 per annum by that time.
3. Nowadays, a large numbers of female foreigners from different countries are coming to India on the strength of “Employment” visa to work in the field of modelling, advertising and Bollywood. At the time of registering, they produce a contract agreement with their sponsoring company in which it is usually mentioned that the sponsoring company will provide work to the foreign model through different assignment like advertisements, dance shows, etc with different companies and will share the money earned by the foreign model in a particular ratio such as 60/40% or 70/30%. Such foreigners don’t get fixed salary from their sponsoring company and till they get assignment their income doesn’t start. All such cases will be covered by the Employment Visa Regime and the minimum salary limit of US$ 25000 per annum stipulated in this Ministry’s guidelines issued vide letter of even No. dated 30th September 2010 will be applicable. This will also cover foreign nationals being engaged by various circus companies. While all such foreign nationals may be allowed to register, they may be granted 3 months time to submit documentary proof to the effect that they would be getting remuneration of at least US$ 25,000 per annum. If they are not able to produce documentary proof to this effect, they may be granted immediate exit after 3 months from the date of registration.

Student Visa: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Can foreign students study in India?

Ans: Yes, they can.

Q.2 Can foreign students come on Tourist Visa to explore admission in some courses/institutes and get Student Visa while in India?

Ans: No. In order to enable the foreign students to explore various options to study in India, he/she can apply for provisional Student Visa of 6 months duration from Indian Mission abroad and once he/she gets the confirmed admission while in India, he/she can apply for a Student Visa to the local FRRO/FRO along with necessary documentary evidences of confirmed admission, fi-nancial standing etc.

Q.3 Can foreign students get a Student Visa directly from Indian Missions abroad?

Ans: Yes, they can, provided they have confirmed admission to a course in a reputed/recognized institute in India.

Q.4 What is the duration of Student Visa?

Ans: Student Visa can be of 5 years or for the duration of the course whichever is earlier.

Q.5 What are the formalities that foreign students should do on arrival?

Ans: Foreign students holding Student Visa of more than 180 days are required to register himself / herself with the local FRRO/FRO within 14 days of arriva

Q.6 Is there any restriction on the number of courses that a foreign student can pursue?

Ans: No. However, the overall band of the Student Visa regime cannot exceed more than 5 years.

Q.7 Can a foreign student change the course or institute or both while in India?

Ans: Yes, but with the permission of the local FRRO/FRO and the Institute(s) concerned and subject to no adverse activity.

Q.8 Is any approval/NOC required from any other Ministry or Department for technical courses?

Ans: So far as admission to diploma/degree/post-graduate degree in engineering and Technology, Architecture & Town Planning, Pharmacy, Applied Arts, MBA, MCA, Hotel Management & Ca-tering Technology are concerned, there is no requirement of NOC from MHRD. However, with respect to courses in medical or para-military courses, NOC from M/o Health will be required.

Q.9 Can Student Visa be extended on the ground of clearing supplementary?

Ans: Yes, provided the concerned university/institute permits and suitable documentary evidences to this effect are submitted to the local FRRO/FRO.

Q.10 What a foreign student should do for extension of his/her Student Visa?

Ans: He/she should approach the local FRRO/FRO with bonafide certificate, proof of adequate fi-nancial standing etc.

Q.11 How may ‘entries’ are allowed to foreign students?

Ans: Normally one entry. However, on bonafide reasons, a foreign student can apply for additional entries at Visa Facilitation Centre, Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road, New Delhi – 110003.

*FRRO: Foreigners Regional Registration Officers (Link to FRRO contacts)

Frequently Asked Questions relating to Entry (X) Visa

As per the extant instructions of the Government of India, an Entry (X) Visa can only be granted to the following persons:-

(a) A foreigner of Indian origin, who wishes to come to India for visiting relatives, holiday etc.

(b) Spouse and children of a foreigner of Indian origin

(c) Spouse / dependents of foreigners coming to India on any other type of valid visa like Employment, etc.

Duration of Extension of (X) Visa

Missions/Posts abroad can grant an Entry (‘X’) for a period of one year at a time, with multiple entry facility, subject to usual checks to persons of Indian Origin.

The extension of the stay of persons at (a) and (b) above may be granted by the State Govern-ment/Union Territory Administration/FRRO concerned subject to the following conditions:-

(i) The initial validity of the Residential Permit shall not exceed one year which may be extended on year to year basis up to 5 years from the date of issue of visa, if further ex-tension is required, the proposal may be referred to MHA for clearance. MHA would grant extension for one year after the expiry of the initial period of five years. Subse-quent extensions, if any, up to a total period of another 5 years would be granted by the State Governments/ UTs /FRROs concerned.

(ii) The foreigner shall not engage in business or employment or any activity which is not in accordance with the type of visa held by him/her

(iii) Name of the foreigner shall not figure in any Ration card and/or Electoral Rolls

(iv) Passport/Residence Permit of the foreigner to be stamped “Business /Employment Not Permitted On XV”

A foreigner of Indian Origin means:-

1. A person who at any time held an Indian passport; or

1. A person who or either of his/her parents or grandparents or great grandparents, was born in, and was permanently resident in India, provided neither was at any time a citizen of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Pakistan or Sri Lanka or any other country that may be specified by the Government of India from time to time; or

3. A person who is the spouse of a citizen of India or a person of Indian origin covered under (1) and (2) above.

Frequently asked questions with regard to the above type of visa and replies thereto are outlined below for information:-

Q.1. What activities are permissible on Entry (‘X’) visa?

Ans:Study up to the 12th Standard by minor, dependent children of Indian Origin can be undertaken. Holder of ‘X’ visa cannot undertake business/economic activities.

Q.2. Can a person holding Entry ‘X’ visa indulge in Business activities?

Ans: No. Business is not permitted on X visa.

Q.3. . Can a person holding Entry ‘X’ visa accept employment?

Ans: No. Employment is not permitted on X visa.

Q.4. Can Entry ‘X’ visa be granted to foreigner parents of foreign nationals studying in India?

Ans: No. Parents of foreign students can visit India on Tourist (‘T’) visa for short duration (up to6 months).

Q. 5. . Which type of visa to be given to foreigner spouse of India Nationals?

Ans: Entry (X) visa.

Medical Visa

A Medical Visa is given to those seeking medical treatment only in reputed/recognized special-ized hospitals/treatment centers in India. Up to two attendants who are blood relatives are al-lowed to accompany the applicant under separate Medical Attendant visas, and the Medical At-tendant visa will have the same validity as the Medical visa. Although not exhaustive, the following list of ailments would be of primary consideration: Seri-ous ailments like neuro-surgery; ophthalmic disorders; heart-related problems; renal disorders; organ transplantation; congenital disorders; gene-therapy; radio-therapy; plastic surgery; joint replacement, etc. The initial duration of the visa is up to 6 months or the period of the treatment, whichever is less. The visa will be valid for a multiple entries during the 6 months. Please note the visa is valid beginning on the day it is issued. So a 6 Month visa issued on Jan-uary 1 would be valid until June 30.

Frequently Asked Questions relating to Conference Visa Introduction

Several queries have been raised about the procedure to be followed for obtaining a Confer-ence Visa for attending international conferences, seminars, workshops etc. in India. Frequently asked questions with regard to the above issue and replies thereto are outlined below for infor-mation, guidance and compliance of all concerned:

Q.1 Who are eligible for a Conference visa?

Ans: A Conference visa is granted to a foreigner:

(i) whose sole objective of visiting India is to attend a conference / seminar or workshop being held in India;

(i) whose sole objective of visiting India is to attend a conference / seminar or workshop being held in India;

(ii) who holds a valid passport, and a re-entry permit if that is required under the law of the country of nationality of the applicant;

(ii) who is not a persona-non-grata to the Government of India,

(iii) who is not considered an undesirable person and is not the subject of a negative list or any warning circular or other restrictive list; and

(iv) who is a person of assured financial standing (the production of a return ticket and availability of sufficient money to spend during his stay in India may be considered suffi-cient for this purpose).

Q.2 What is the procedure for grant of Conference Visa?


(i) Indian Missions are authorized to issue Conference visas to delegates on production of an invitation to a conference/seminar/workshop being organized in India by a Ministry or Department of the Government of India, State Governments or UT administrations, Pub-lic Sector Undertakings, Central Educational Institutions, Public Funded Universities (list of such institutions are available on the website www. and the websites of the University Grants Commission and Association of Indian Universities), or an or-ganization owned and controlled by the Government of India or any State Government / UT, United Nations or its specialized agencies. Missions will process the cases for grant of visas and after satisfying themselves, grant visas to the participants of such events except in cases indicated below under sub para (iii).

(ii) If the conference/seminar/workshop is sponsored by an NGO, the Mission should scrutinize the background of the NGO and grant visa to the participants if the Nodal/Line Ministry concerned of the Central/State government has cleared/approved the confer-ence/seminar/workshop. If the Mission concerned has any doubt about the background of the sponsoring NGO, the matter may be referred to MEA and MHA or the nodal/Line Ministry for verification of the background of the NGO concerned.

(iii) Missions will be required to make a prior reference to the Ministry of External Affairs and Ministry of Home Affairs before granting conference visas to foreigners participating in conferences/ seminars/ workshops etc. in India only in the following cases:-

(a) Participants from Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, foreigners of Pakistani origin and Stateless persons; and

(b) Participants of conferences/seminars/workshops who are required to visit 'Restricted' or 'Protected' areas in India, or areas affected by terrorism, militancy and extremism etc. viz. Jammu & Kashmir and the North Eastern States. In the above cases, Minis-try of External Affairs will examine the proposal along with the Ministry of Home Af-fairs and grant clearance within four weeks. Clearance will be conveyed to the Mis-sions, nodal Ministry and organizers of the conference.

Q.3 What is the procedure for obtaining clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs for the conference/seminar/workshop?

Ans: Following procedure will be observed for seeking prior security clearance for the International conference/seminar/workshop (event) from the Ministry of Home Affairs:

(i) Only such events which from the stand point of parameters as mentioned in answer to Q.2 requiring MHA’s security clearance are to be forwarded by the Minis-tries/Departments of the Central Government, State Government, PSUs, NGOs etc. to the Ministry of Home Affairs at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the event.

(ii) If the event includes participants from the countries for which prior ‘security clearance’ is required, as mentioned in answer to Q.2 above, details in the following format should be sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs at least 30 days prior to the commencement of the event so as to enable adequate time to process the requisite security clearance.

Sl.No. Name of applicant Father’s/Husband’s Name Nationality Date of Birth Place of Birth Passport Number Date & Place of Issue Date of Expiry Address
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

(iii) No request shall be entertained by the Ministry of Home Affairs directly from any private organizer – be it an NGO or private institution. It is the nodal Ministry which is entrusted with the responsibility to entertain the request from private organizers and to examine at their level as to whether the event requires prior security clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs, having regard to the parameters listed above. If security clearance is re-quired, the nodal ministry will forward the proposal to the Ministry of Home Affairs for prior security clearance within the prescribed time frame (indicated above)

iv) All such proposals requiring clearance as mentioned above should be addressed to the Section Officer (CC), Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs, Jaisalmer House, 26, Mansingh Road, New Delhi – 110011. In view of the revised procedure for grant of con-ference visa as explained above, clearance from the Ministry of Home Affairs for holding an event from security angle would be required only in respect of cases covered above. No security clearance would be granted by MHA for any event which is not covered above.

Q.4 What is the duration of the Conference visa?

Ans: Conference visa will be issued for the duration of the conference and the travelling time. However, the delegates coming to attend conference etc. in India can combine tourism with at-tending the conference. Missions can, at their discretion, grant visas for the required period. Such visa shall not exceed maximum validity of Tourist Visa, i.e, 6 months subject to usual con-ditions applicable for grant of the Tourist visa. Visas to participants covered in the categories mentioned in answer to Q.2 will not be granted for a duration longer than that may be specified by the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Home Affairs or the minimum period re-quired.

Transit Visa

A transit visa is granted for the sole purpose of enabling the holder to travel through India to reach his/her ultimate destination. Change of purpose is not allowed. The visa will ordinarily be valid for a single/double journey and for entry within 15 days of date of issue. The Transit visa is valid for direct transit only for a maximum period of 3 days. For a stay in India beyond 3 days, an appropriate visa should be obtained. Please note the visa is valid beginning on the day it is issued. So a 15 day visa issued on January 1 would be valid until January 15.

Transfer of Visas:

To transfer visas from an expired passport to the new passport, visa application form duly filled in along with one photo and the required fees. You can also travel with expired old passport that has valid Indian visa and valid new passport issued subsequent to issue of Indian visa. Besides the above-mentioned categories, visas are also available for learning Yoga, Music and Dance in India from the institutions approved by the Government of India.

Transfer of Business Visa

A Business Visa is given those who are doing business in India such as making sales or estab-lishing contacts on behalf of a company outside of India. For transferring an Indian Business visa from an old passport to a new passport, both the expired passport which holds the valid India visa and the current passport MUST be provided. Visas can only be transferred to a pass-port of the same nationality (i.e. Visa transferred from a US passport to another US passport).

Journalist Visa

Given to professional journalists and photographers for up to three months' stay in India. If you are intending to make a documentary in India, kindly contact the Press and Information wing in the Embassy/Consulate. Processing time is usually a minimum of 3-5 working days.

Diplomats / Officials – Malaysian Passport

Malaysian holding diplomat / official passport, can obtain Visa On Arrival

Gratis Visa

1) Diplomats / official personals; either on duty or official travel, to produce official letter given by their respective ministries

2) United Nation Official / Personals on duty

3) Application with official letter from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia

4) Visa fee is exempted

5) Submission of Gratis Visa is at High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur

Other Visas

* To approach IVS Global India Visa Centre for consultation

Pakistan / Bangladesh Nationalities

To approach IVS Global India Visa Centre for consultation




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