Apply For
VISA to India


Need information on visas?
Transit Visa

A transit visa (TR) is granted to travel through India to reach the ultimate destination. The visa will be valid for entry within 15 days of date of issue and for a maximum stay of 72 hours. Transit Visa is issued only for transit purpose to transit passengers and not for normal tourism.
Documents Required:
  • Printout of the online application form duly signed.
  • Passport valid for a minimum of 180 days with at least two blank pages.
  • Two recent photographs (See Specifications).
  • Evidence of onward travel from India. A confirmed air ticket for onward journey to be submitted in copy.
  • Additional Form filled in and signed. If the applicant is a foreign national he/she needs to have a residential proof from the Malaysia government for more than 1 years. The process can take longer.
Note: Any Malaysian document must be officially translated into English.

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